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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Extremely Windy Night Out There. The Wind Is Causing Some Pixelation Of The Teevee Screen. I Believe I'll Live, However, So Please Do Not Worry

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I went out on a rainy day & took some photos. This one is of a stream called Trout Brook. It was taken from County C. I have only fished this stream once, a long, long time ago & did not catch a trout therefore I put it on my mis-named stream list, really mis-named. I'm sure there are some salmonids of some sort swimming about, but I have shown great discipline & have not, nor will not, fish this water. I'm not crazy, really, I'm not.

This is a close up of the Ashland ore dock, a wonderful piece of history that is about to be torn down due to the complete incompetence of civic leadership for lo, these many years since the ore stopped sliding down the metal chutes.

Another close-up of the ore dock.

The ore dock, this is the structure that the local high school teams have taken for their team names - the Oredockers. I hope they keep this unique name after the dock is destroyed.

Click 'em to big 'em.

The Daily Doe
From the history archives.

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