Here's the front of the Valentine's Day card I received from Mrs. coldH2Owi. The lips are edible chocolate, a known aphrodisiac.
& here's the inside of the card. Hmmm, seems a bit risqué to me.
Early a.m. Black Cat Coffeehouse patron, along with a cute barista.
Baker making a phone call outside the bakery early in the a.m. Hmmm? No more spelt?
Now the blasted baker is in the coffee shop looking, well, caffeine deprived, I suppose. The look in the other patron's eyes is a bit suspicious, however. & the cute barista is smiling, smiling, I tell you. What's going on?
Here's a chickadee-dee-dee-dee sitting at the oil seed feeder.
& here he/she is taking off, somewhere, maybe a small limb on which to wait until I leave the room, or put the camera down.
Here's K. another early a.m. Black Cat customer carrying, I asked, OK?, cupcakes. & no, I didn't get to try any.
We've had a few days of nice, warm (for us) weather lately. The following photos are of the snow curling from the sauna roof.
The Daily Doe