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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lilacs & Stuff

I'm standing out on the deck breathing in that absolutely wonderful lilac aroma & thinking this is all I want to do the rest of my life - be surrounded by lilacs everyday, all day with just enough breeze to keep the the fragrance coming my way.  It almost made me forget about FitzWalkerstan, almost.

You can click the pics to big the pics but you will need to use your imagination when it comes to the smell, sorry about that.  I wish I could invent a click it to big it when it came to lilac aroma.

The Kid found the morels while doing some yard work/landscaping this afternoon.  Let's just say that they were delicious, particularly with some crazy hot sauce from the U.P of MI.

Here's a photograph of three children, who shall, at least for now, remain nameless, particularly the geek on the left.  At least, oh, never mind.

The Daily Doe
& she better stay away from the leaves on that pear tree.

Click 'em to big 'em.

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