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Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's Been A Long, Long Time, But I Haven't Forgotten

I'm truly sorry for the long hiatus from this picture blog.  I have a list of excuse/explanations a yard long, but I know you aren't interested in the sorry state of affairs (I wish) my life contains. So here are some photos.

The last hollyhock of the year.  This flower stayed beautiful well into November.

This is the first star chisel hole I've ever seen in a piece of granite at a local quarry. 


More Granite

Phone "art"

First Snow 2011

Unusual Antler Mount

The lack of the "The Daily Doe" is indicative of my success at hunting this past week.  Zip.

No pic
No  pic
No pic

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Reflections & Other Stuff

Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em

Young mallard head in a reflection.

Great Blue Heron

Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em

Immature Bald Eagle On Pelican Lake, Wisco

Mrs. coldH2owi Enjoying The Sun/Water

Marigny & Dragonfly
(The Adults, Well, Me, Decided That She Should Become A Doctor Of Bugs)

Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em

The Daily Doe

The Daily Doe Bonus

Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em

Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em  -  Click 'em to big 'em

Friday, August 26, 2011

One BIG caterpillar.

It turns into the largest moth in the north, a cecropia moth, which looks like this:

NOTE:   I've never seen one of these.

We stopped by a Wisco covered bridge the other day & here it is.  It's near Fifield, Wisco.

Click 'em to big 'em.

The Daily Doe

Click 'em to big 'em.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I've Been Around, Just Not Around This Blog

So, pretend I'm Rick Scott & sue me.  Now, back to this blog that I've neglected lately.

These are photos of my niece's recent wedding.  Here they are entering the main hall.

The place the wedding took place is an old industrial site, a steel fabricating business.  They left some of the original stuff,  like this material handing structure.  They've updated a bit, notice the solar panels?

Lucy & Tchoupi.  Lucy clearly disapproves of whatever it is on the "show" that she's watching.

Lucy, Tchoupi, Marigny taking it easy after a rough day of being almost five years old.

Here are some pretty flowers.

Click any of these photos to make they larger.  It helps sometimes.  In other words, click 'em to big 'em.

A big elm tree was cut down in front of The Babies' house.  It succumbed to Dutch Elm disease. Damn the Dutch.

The Daily Doe

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Babies First Surgery & A Pretty Flower

The Babies had their first big-time surgery experience this last Monday. They had some issues with their teeth & had some oral surgery done. It was serious enough that they had to be put completely under. They were both very brave about it, no crying or wringing the heads of the lovies they took in with them. Marigny, ever the drama queen, took an extremely large lovey, a very big toucan. They helped a lot.

Pre-surgery reflections in the aquarium that was in the play/waiting room at the hospital.  

Checking out the fish in the aquarium.

Marigny with toucan, after waking up from surgery.

Lucy, after waking up, sat up & demanded the popsicle she was promised.  

Lucy's big lip afterward.  As my mother used to say, you could hang a lot of wash on that lip.

Marigny still waking up.

Recovering at home on the couch & sometimes with Tchoupitoulas.


Marigny & Tchoupi


Marigny left, Lucy right. (No cat named Tchoupitulous)

& now for something completely different -  Mama's pretty flower.

The Daily Doe

Bonus, if it works.

Notice the wild turkey in the background?  

Click 'em to big 'em.  In other words you can click on any of the photos & they will appear in another window & they will be larger.  You may also then click that image to make it larger.